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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Well of Forgotten Books...My Kindle

I downloaded  The Examin Prayer by Father Timothy Gallagher to Kindle last night. I prefer to hold a paper book in my hands, but with the limited selection at bookstores, and even the library, I'm being swept along into the world of electronic downloads and "highlight by finger".  And, yes, sometimes I'm that impatient.

Back in the old days, I would drop everything half hour before the book store closed and run out to buy a desperately needed (wanted) item. With Kindle, I now spare the public the vision of me running through the aisles in a shirt that I threw on backwards and uncombed hair. There are advantages.

It's so easy to download and then set my iPad aside for other distractions that I sometimes forget what I've purchased.

Last night I found, untouched:

The Cozy Chicks Kitchen (and I found a recipe for Easy Crispy potatoes that's going on the menu tonight!)
The Social Media Gospel
Kristen Lamb's:
Are You There Blog?
We Are Not Alone
Rise of the Machines
Pamela Samuels Young's Attorney-Client Privilege 
Behind the Screen
M.M. Gornell's Counsel of Ravens (thought I just bought that and hadn't really forgotten about it...yet)

About thirty books that I've gotten 18% of the way through. (That seems to be my attention span in one sitting.)

A dozen SAMPLE books that I downloaded to peek at and order later.

With a paperback, I've got it in front of my face and can't forget about it, but with Kindle....

Has Kindle turned into a black hole of good intentions for you? Or am I just approaching it wrong?


  1. Jackie, I'm honored to be in the queue on your Kindle!! (you're not alone, besides the stacks, Kindle is overflowing--one day...)


  2. It's almost too easy to gather books. Realistically, I do have a lot of paperbacks in storage in my garage, so maybe book hoarding is a personal problem. :)


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