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Friday, December 13, 2013

This Week's Roundup of Great Blogs

It's difficult to keep up with all the great thoughts being expressed on the many blogs out there, so here are a few highlights to choose from:

Kristen Lamb: We Are Not Alone
Expectations & Reality--Making a Better, Happier, Stronger YOU

As always, Kristen's advice is good for writing and life.

Crafting Fabulous Fiction 
Victoria Grossack

The information is pretty basic, but it's good to be reminded.

The Difference Between Showing and Telling 
Beth Revis

This is the briefest, clearest explanation on this topic I've ever seen.

Show Not Tell: What the Heck is That Anyway?
Shirley Jump

This is a more detailed look at the topic, and since it seems to be an issue for many writers, myself included, I thought I would include one more.

Okay. Maybe not. Here is the link to an article by Bonnie Grove, but I found myself too annoyed by the many ads that jumped up as I was trying to read the article.

1 comment:

  1. Good reminders, especially in Shirley Jump's Show Not Tell. Thanks for the share:)


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